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HA011 - Hatton
Área: 5 - Dentística

Apresentação: 10/09 (Sexta-feira) - Horário: 16h00 - 17h30 - Sala: 7

A novel graphene-catechol dental sealant: properties and perspectives
Pereira R, Rischka K, Lins RBE, Stamboroski S, Mainardi MCAJ, Aguiar FHB
Conflito de interesse: Não há conflito de interesse

This study aimed to assess the particles dispersion (D), antibacterial action (A), bond strength (BS), fracture pattern (FP), Vickers nanohardness (N), indentation modulus (IM), indentation creep (IC) and elastic part of indentation work (E) of dental sealants. An experimental sealant was incorporated by graphene (G) and graphene modified by L-dopa (Gd) in 0 and 0.25 concentrations (wt%). The D was assessed visually and microscopically. For A test, samples (n=10) were incubated with S.mutans and L.casei. Aliquots were spread on agar-plates. Colonies Forming Units (CFU) were quantified. For BS test, enamel surfaces of bovine teeth (n=8) were restored with sealant pillars, according to the groups. Pillars were submitted to microshear test. FP was quantified. For mechanical tests, samples (n=8) were assessed in a mechanical analyzer initially (T0) and after 10 days of water storage (T1). Data were statistically analyzed using One-way or Two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni tests. Gd was better dispersed than G. Control presented the highest number of S.mutans CFU. L.casei growth decreased as follows: Control > G > Gd. The BS was similar among groups. All groups showed mainly enamel-sealant adhesive FP. In general, at T0 and T1, Gd presented the highest N and IM, while Control obtained the highest IC, and both G and Gd had the highest E. From T0 to T1 only Control had its NH decreased. Other properties were not affected.
Gd sealant is a promising material, as it presents antibacterial activity, adequate bond strength, high mechanical strength, and still elasticity to absorb tensions.
(Apoio: CAPES  N° 88887.368696/2019-00  |  Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V.)
HA012 - Hatton
Área: 6 - Prótese

Apresentação: 10/09 (Sexta-feira) - Horário: 14h00 - 15h30 - Sala: 7

Mechanical behavior of different core and veneer designs for all-ceramic crowns: 3D Finite element analysis
Carvalho ABG, Andrade GS, Tribst JPM, Ramos NC, Luz JN, Borges ALS, Saavedra GSFA
Conflito de interesse: Não há conflito de interesse

To evaluate the mechanical behavior of different core and veneer designs for all-ceramic crowns. Using the finite element analysis (FEA) three designs were considered: CC - Conventional bilayer crown; MCV - Modified cutback core with ceramic veneer; MCCV - Modified cutback core with cemented machined ceramic veneer. Using a modeling software (Rhinoceros 6.0SR8), a superior central incisor model was created with a full-crown preparation and replicated to receive the three crown designs. Lithium disilicate (E=102.8 GPa) was the core material for all situations, fluorapatite (E=68 GPa) (CC/MCV) and leucite (E=65.8 GPa) (MCCV) ceramics were simulated as veneer materials. Models were exported to a FEA software to evaluate the stress distribution on crowns. All interfaces were considered bonded and materials considered isotropic, homogeneous, and linearly elastic. A 400 N load was applied at 45°, at 1 mm distant from the incisal edge and Maximum Principal Stress (MPa) criteria was used to evaluate the results. MCCV presented a more uniform stress distribution, while CC and MCV presented higher stress concentration in critical areas. The highest stress peak was on core of CC model (70.1 MPa). For veneer layer, the peaks were around 19 MPa. MCV core presented tensile stress peaks of 65.9, and veneer of 17.9 MPa. For MCCV, the peak in the core was 68.4 MPa with lower values in veneer layer (15.1 MPa).
The new all-ceramic crown design with a cemented veneer in modified core seems to be a promising alternative, improving the mechanical behavior and reducing stress on central incisors.
(Apoio: FAPESP  N° 2020/07693-5)
HA013 - Hatton
Área: 7 - Estomatologia

Apresentação: 10/09 (Sexta-feira) - Horário: 14h00 - 15h30 - Sala: 7

Salivary proteomic predictors of radiotherapy-induced toxicities in oral cancer patients
Palmier NR, Ribeiro ACP, Brandão TB, Rossi T, Lopes MA, Migliorati CA, Paes Leme AF, Silva ARS
Conflito de interesse: Não há conflito de interesse

Great medical advances have been achieved through personalized, molecular-based diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, this study tested the hypothesis that targeted proteins are associated with oral toxicities severity in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients undergoing radiotherapy (RT). Liquid biopsy was performed by subjecting whole saliva of 35 advanced OSCC patients to targeted proteomic analysis through selected reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry (SRM-MS) including 56 targeted proteins, and their abundance was correlated with clinical outcomes (Mann-Whitney and ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey HSD tests). Xerostomia, dysphagia, odynophagia, dysgeusia and oral candidiasis (OC) were daily evaluated using the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events grading system (NCI CTCAE, Version 4.0, 2010) and the visual analogue scale. Overall, 90% of patients developed RT-induced oral toxicities and SRM-MS results indicated that 27 proteins, mainly related to biological processes such as innate immune responses, inflammatory response, cell migration, peptidase inhibitor activity, and iron coordination, were correlated with more severe grades (p<0.05) of dysgeusia, dysphagia, xerostomia, odynophagia, and OC in 68%, 60%, 43%, 34%, and 26% of patients, respectively.
This study originally demonstrates salivary proteomic predictors of debilitating RT-induced acute oral toxicities in late-stage OSCC patients, improving clinical protocols for personalized supportive care in Oncology.
(Apoio: FAPs - FAPESP  N° 2018/04657-8)
HA014 - Hatton
Área: 7 - Estomatologia

Apresentação: 10/09 (Sexta-feira) - Horário: 14h00 - 15h30 - Sala: 7

Photobiomodulation therapy in Burning Mouth Syndrome: a randomized double-blind controlled trial
Marotta BM, Freitas GDH, Hanna R, Gallo CB
Conflito de interesse: Não há conflito de interesse

Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is characterized by a burning sensation despite the absence of clinical signs and topical clonazepam is considered the gold-standard therapy. This randomized double-blind controlled trial compared the effect of photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) and topical clonazepam for symptom relief in BMS patients. Fifteen patients were eligible and randomly allocated in the intervention or control group. The intervention group underwent 6 sessions of PBM with infrared low power laser (880nm, 90mW, 6J/cm2), which was simulated in the control group turning down the device and reproducing its signaling sounds. The control group rinsed 5 ml of 0.5mg/ml clonazepam solution 3 times a day for 21 days, simulated in the intervention group by rinsing a solution without clonazepam, to ensure the blindness of the received intervention. All patients were evaluated according the IMMPACT-II recommendations for outcome assessment in pain clinical trials, by a blinded research, at the baseline, end of treatment, 30 and 60 days of follow-up. Both treatments offered a significant symptom relief in BMS patients, according the numerical rating scale, without a significant difference between them. PBM provided an earlier effect, maintained for at least 30 days. And topical clonazepam had a slightly higher long-term effect at the 60 day follow-up at other outcomes measures, such as brief pain inventory and oral related quality of life.
PBM and topical clonazepam are effective in controlling pain symptom in BMS patients.
(Apoio: CAPES  N° 001)
HA015 - Hatton
Área: 7 - Imaginologia

Apresentação: 10/09 (Sexta-feira) - Horário: 14h00 - 15h30 - Sala: 7

Using point coordinates to measure root canal curvature in periapical radiograph and CBCT images using free software
Gialain IO, Yanaguizawa WH, Fontana CE, Caldeira CL, Cavalcanti MGP
Ciências Odontológicas Integradas - UNIVERSIDADE DE CUIABÁ
Conflito de interesse: Não há conflito de interesse

This study proposed to demonstrate a technique to calculate root canal curvature on 2D and 3D images using point coordinate, named Point Method (PM), and further compare these methods to the most used method (Schneider). The total sample comprised 120 teeth (30 upper lateral incisors, 30 lower premolars, 30 upper molars, and 30 lower molars), with no radiopaque material on the root canal or pulp chamber. Each tooth underwent periapical radiograph and CBCT exams, and the curvature was analyzed by three different methods - Schneider, 2D PM, and 3D PM. Schneider and 2D PM were performed on periapical radiograph and 3D PM on CBCT. Point Method analysis was made placing points on the canal lumen with a vertical distance of 1mm among points. Using open-source software, the coordinates for each point were transferred into a spreadsheet with analytical geometry formulas. A repeated measures test was made to compare angular values among the methods and an independent measures test was performed to compare the dental groups and the root thirds. The mean curvature angle values found using 3D PM (89.01°) were significantly higher when compared to 2D PM (56.72°) and Schneider (34.62°) for all dental groups. Multirooted teeth had a greater mean curvature angle than single-rooted and the apical third also presented the most curved root canals amongst the root thirds.
The results presented herein show that 3D curvature was higher when compared with 2D analysis. Higher curvature angle values were found at the apical third and on multirooted teeth.
(Apoio: CAPES  N° 1570958)