25th Annual Meeting of the SBPqO
SBPqO’s Silver Jubilee
(Brazilian Division of the International Association of Dental Research – IADR)

August 30 - September 2, 2008
Vacance Hotel
Águas de Lindoia – São Paulo, Brazil

SBPqO Yearly Dues - 2008
Deadline for abstract submission
Registration for the Meeting without submission of a paper
Registration for the Meeting with submission of a paper
Abstract acceptance at www.sbpqo.org.br
Registration for Symposiums and Immersion Activities
BOR Subscription - 2007

1. SBPqO members residing in Brazil will have their abstracts evaluated only after they fill out the membership form and pay the 2008 SBPqO yearly dues, whether or not they are a member of the IADR.

2. IADR Members who do not reside in Brazil, exclusively, will have their abstracts evaluated after they fill out the membership form and pay the 2008 IADR yearly dues. These members must enter their IADR number in the registration form.

3. As the presenting author of a paper, a member in any category may submit only one abstract per activity.

4. Payments may be made by bank draft directly at the bank or on the Internet at the bank site.

5. Alternatively, payment may be made with a credit card: follow the instructions provided at the SBPqO webpage when making online registration Letter from SBPqO’s President.

Letter from the President

The SBPqO Annual Meeting is the greatest Dental Research event in Latin America, and it is of major scientific importance to all of us. This year, our Meeting will be special since we will be celebrating SBPqO’s Silver Jubilee. The Meeting will take place at the Vacance Hotel, in Águas de Lindóia, a place chosen for its hospitality, as seen in previous events, and for offering a variety of options that will please most of the SBPqO members. It will be four days of intense scientific activity. Your participation in the activities is essential. You have your choice of presenting a panel exhibit, attending lectures, interacting in the Symposiums and with the Scientific Advisory Services staff, debating your Research Project or having fun in the event’s social activities.

The success of our Meeting depends on you, on your participation, because you are the reason for the existence of SBPqO’s Annual Meeting. Register right away and don’t forget to submit your paper in advance. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2008.

Welcome to the world of SBPqO, where the dental science community meets!

Katia Regina Hostilio Cervantes Dias
President of the SBPqO

Board of Directors

President: Katia Regina Hostilio Cervantes Dias
Vice-President: Célio Percinoto
Former President: João Humberto Antoniazzi
Secretary: Ivo Carlos Correa
Treasurer: Luiz Alberto Plácido Penna
Executive Secretary: Celso Augusto Lemos Júnior

Advisory Board

Publishing: Sigmar de Mello Rode
National Affairs: Sigmar de Mello Rode
International Affairs: José Luiz Lage-Marques
Advisory Services

Publishing: Esther Goldenberg Birman
National Affairs: Sigmar de Mello Rode
International Affairs: José Luiz Lage-Marques
Instructions on how to participate in SBPqO’s Meeting – Membership Categories – Registrations/Yearly Dues/Journal – Activities – Interactive Symposiums – Immersion Activities – Scientific Advisory Services


Instructions on how to participate in SBPqO’s Meetings


In order to attend and participate in the scheduled activities, you must be an SBPqO member, if you reside in Brazil. Non-Brazil residents must at least be an IADR member to participate. The condition for submitting an abstract for any of the activities of the Meeting (panel exhibit, oral presentation, Hatton, scientific forum, research project, POAC, research teaching, PIO), is that you must be paid up with your yearly dues . Furthermore, your participation in the chosen activity will be scheduled only if your registration is made by July 15th.

The submission of an abstract and presentation of a panel exhibit in the different activities of the Meeting may be done in Portuguese, Spanish and English, except for the Hatton category, for which submission and presentation should be in English exclusively.

All procedures must be carried out online at: www.sbpqo.org.br.

Current members must access “Update your file” (“Atualize seu Cadastro”), and make sure that all fields are duly updated. Don’t forget to choose your academic status correctly.

Non-members must choose the “New Member” option and fill out the Admission Proposal in full. This also applies to IADR members. Don’t forget to choose your academic status correctly. For submission of papers, follow the guidelines provided on the electronic page. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is April 30, 2008. To ensure successful registration, we suggest you submit your paper in advance.

Additional information is posted on the SBPqO page at: www.sbpqo.org.br.
Attention, member! Updating your file is essential for the correct publication of your paper. Do not fail to do so!

Membership Categories

Correct choice of your membership category is essential for the constitution of SBPqO’s membership body, and will ensure that your paper is presented in the correct session. Don’t forget to change your membership category in case your academic status has changed – look up your current category at www.sbpqo.org.br.

- Junior Member: it involves only academic members developing an undergraduate research project, or interns or students in specialization programs developing research projects, all under the guidance of a Full Member.

- Aspiring Member: Students regularly enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral degree program.

- Full Member: Researchers that have successfully finished any Master’s or Doctorate graduate program and that are actively engaged in scientific research, confirmed by the publication of papers.

- IADR Member: Researchers from any Latin-American Section or Division and from other continents as well. Researchers residing in Brazil must also be SBPqO members.

The presentation of panel exhibits is the essence of our Annual Meeting, and you are the star of this activity. It is a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and also learn a great deal.

Registration / Yearly Dues / Journal

SBPqO membership dues must be paid yearly by all members residing in Brazil, according to membership category.

IADR members not residing in Brazil must fill out the membership form indicating their IADR ID Number and payment of the IADR 2008 yearly dues.

Presenting authors must already have paid his/her 2008 yearly dues before they submit their papers.


WITHOUT paper submission
Registration by SBPqO or IADR members that will not present any paper may be done in advance or up to the end of the Annual Meeting. Members wishing to register must have paid their corresponding yearly dues, as described above.

WITH paper submission
To submit an abstract for evaluation, authors must have already paid the SBPqO 2008 yearly dues, when residing in Brazil, and the IADR yearly dues, when not residing in Brazil. The acceptance status of submitted abstracts will be posted at www.sbpqo.org.br as of July 2nd. Registration may be made in advance or only until July 15th so that your participation may be scheduled. If payment is not made by 12 am (local Brazilian time), the paper will automatically be rejected.

Annual subscription to the Brazilian Oral Research journal (four issues and one supplement) for SBPqO/IADR members is R$ 70.00 and may be paid with the yearly dues, by checking this option when paying your dues; institutional or non-member subscriptions are R$ 180.00.

Payment of the yearly dues, registration fee and journal subscription may be done by VISA credit card or by bank draft printed online; both payment forms can be accessed by choosing the link “Reuniões” at www.sbpqo.org.br. If you need any assistance to navigate through the Portuguese webpage, please contact Dr. Lemos, Executive Secretary, at calemosj@usp.br.

Table of amounts payable by bank draft by April 30, 2008 – (discounted amounts)
Discounted Membership category Yearly


Senior R$ 80.00

R$ 130.00
R$ 70.00
US$ 40.00
R$ 280.00
US$ 116.00
R$ 210.00
US$ 76.00
Aspiring/Junior R$45.00

R$ 80.00

US$ 47.00
R$ 70.00
US$ 40.00
R$ 195.00
US$ 87.00
R$ 125.00
US$ 47.00

Table of amounts payable by bank draft by May 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008 – (non-discounted amounts)

Non-discounted Membership category Yearly
Senior R$ 100,00 R$ 160,00 R$ 60,00 R$ 320,00 R$ 260,00
Associate/Junior R$ 60,00 R$ 80,00 R$ 60,00 R$ 200,00 R$ 140,00

* IADR members not residing in Brazil are not required to pay yearly dues. They merely have to provide their IADR number when registering. Furthermore, only members not residing in Brazil are allowed to pay in dollars (US$), in their countries of origin, with a VISA credit card.

Important: New rules for the submission of papers
Bank drafts issued for yearly dues expire five days after non-payment. After this period a second copy will have to be issued. Paper submissions and registrations will not be processed until the yearly dues are paid.
*After the acceptance of a paper is posted on the SBPqO webpage, the presenting author must register for the Meeting, by printing out a new bank draft online and by paying no later than 5 days after the bank draft issue date for the paper to be definitively accepted.


All registered members can attend the programmed activities: Interactive Symposiums, Immersion Activities, Scientific Advisory Services, Panel Exhibits, Hatton Award, Scientific Forum, Research Projects, POAC, PIO and Oral Presentations.

Bear in mind that there is limited availability and that some immersion activities require payment.

Effective participation requires that you submit your abstract in advance for evaluation, once the yearly dues have already paid. Your participation will be made official and scheduled only after payment of the registration fee (until July 15th).

Interactive Symposiums

General-interest symposiums will be held to discuss current issues, with the participation of activators and reporters, so that conclusions may be documented and the opinions of SBPqO members may be expressed.

Registration is free and must be made online until July 19, indicating your registration number for the Meeting so that a symposium diploma can be issued and you can reserve your seat. After this date, attendance at the symposiums is allowed depending on seating availability (limited), but no diploma will be issued.

The social activities are also a high point of the Annual Meeting. Make sure to attend!

Immersion Activities

A variety of activities are being planned during the event. These activities are restricted to those registering in advance, due to limited availability.

1. Training in writing abstracts – activities will be conducted to improve skills in writing abstracts for scientific events. Payment is required to register.

2. Research methodology - presentation of experimental models and applied technology. New information for experimental development will be presented. Payment is required to register.

3. Discussion on graduate studies and quality control of academic output – dissertations and theses conducted vis-à-vis works published, and ranking of publications. These and other current topics will be discussed with representatives of the various institutions involved. The need for learning from professors who conduct research is emphasized, insofar as the exchange of experiences will enhance the results accomplished thus far. Registration is free.

4. Meeting of publishers of scientific dental journals – SBPqO invites editors and those interested in authoring publications an opportunity to exchange experiences, pose questions and put forth suggestions in a discussion of the objectives and scope of dental journals, and the current difficulties in publishing periodicals in the field. Registration is free.

Registration must be made online, indicating the activity of your preference. Select the activity and provide your registration number for the 25th Annual Meeting. There is limited availability. Registration may be made online up to August 19, 2008.

Scientific Advisory Services

This is a highly celebrated activity especially designed to settle doubts regarding institutions that support research (CAPES, FINEP, CNPq), as well as to address questions related to trade associations, to the editing and publishing of periodicals, to the Brazilian Oral Research Journal, etc.

Set in an informal environment, this activity enables direct contact with the department heads of these institutions. Select a subject and a time, and include your registration number for the 25th Annual Meeting to schedule a meeting. Availability is limitedm and scheduling is available online until August 19, 2008.


Panel Categories and Regulations

All papers written and presented by new members under the guidance of a full member fall under this category. All entries registered in this category are eligible for the Myaki Issao Award. Submit your abstract online up to April 30th.


All papers written and presented by aspiring members are included in this category. Submit your abstract online up to April 30th.

All papers written and presented by full members are included in this category. Submit your abstract online up to April 30th.

E.H. HATTON (exclusively for SBPqO members)

This category is intended for researchers exhibiting potential and engaged in intense activity. Those interested in taking part in the Hatton Awards Competition must submit their papers in the form of a panel written and presented in English. Candidates must give a ten-minute oral presentation in English followed by an examination session presided by an examining board. The two papers selected must be presented in Miami, FL (USA), at the 87th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, April 1-4, 2009.
Important: The printout of the abstract and the panel, as well as the oral presentation must all be in English

Designed for graduate students or students who have recently graduated from graduate school (aspiring and full members, up to one year after receiving a degree) in dentistry and related fields. Unpublished theses or dissertations in English will be accepted. The format of the texts must follow the instructions for authors published in the Brazilian Oral Research Journal (www.sbpqo.org.br). The complete text in Microsoft Word format must be attached to the icon “Trabalho Completo.” If you need any assistance to navigate through the Portuguese webpage, please contact Dr. Lemos, Executive Secretary, via calemosj@usp.br. Only complete papers submitted, pre-evaluated and accepted, will be presented as a panel exhibit, and six papers will be selected for thirty-minute oral presentations followed by a twenty-minute Q&A session. Submit your abstract online up to April 30th.

The Session on Research Projects offers a discussion and exchange of ideas aimed at benefiting and contributing to research projects currently underway. Therefore, if you are developing a research project and are having difficulty with the methodology, control or other item, this activity may be of help to you. Submit your abstract online up to April 30th.


This category is intended for applied research papers presented as a panel by members of all categories who are, in effect, producing any work of social importance that will reflect on the population’s quality of life. The selected papers will receive financial support to conduct a practical application of the research in the community, and results of these papers should be presented at the SBPqO Annual Meeting in 2009. Submit your abstract online up to April 30th.

This activity is open to participants from all categories. It is designed to improve the teaching of dentistry and related areas, at different levels. Papers should be presented in the form of a panel, and should include methods, strategies, assessment, simulations, etc., all teaching-related. Winners will be invited to present their complete papers to the Publishing Board of the Journal of the ABENO (Brazilian Association for Dental Teaching). Submit your abstract online up to April 30th.


This program will give an undergraduate student from each school of dentistry or dental course in Brazil, chosen internally by his/her institution, the opportunity to present a panel at SBPqO’s 25th Annual Meeting. The authors of the 30 best abstracts submitted will have all of their transportation, lodgings and food expenses paid by SBPqO during the Meeting in Águas de Lindóia. The best paper evaluated during the Meeting will represent Brazil at the Student Clinician Award, sponsored by ADA at its annual event, October1-4, 2009, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

The Teaching/Research Institution must internally select the paper that will represent it at the Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Oral Research in the Junior Dental Researcher Program. The research abstract must be submitted online under the PIO category, as instructed. The presentation must be in the format of a panel, according to SBPqO regulations.

For a student to submit a paper, he/she must become a member of the SBPqO in the junior member category. A paper may be written by two or more students. However, only one student from each school will be qualified to present the paper and take part in the Junior Dental Researcher Program.

After submitting the abstract online, it must be printed and mailed along with a document from the Coordinator or Director of the School of Dentistry, stating and certifying that the institution will be represented by that paper. Only papers submitted online and sent by registered mail with the above-mentioned document from the Coordinator or Director will represent the teaching/research institution. These rules are applicable to the PIO category only.

ORAL PRESENTATION (exclusively for IADR members)

IADR members may give an oral presentation. Members residing in Brazil must be SBPqO members as well. A regular abstract should be submitted. The selected papers shall be presented orally for 10 minutes, followed by 5 more minutes of Q&A. Each room will have a computer and a multimedia projector. After submitting a paper online in the Oral Presentation category, the author may authorize that it be made into panel should he wish to do so. There will be no judgment or awarding in this category. Submit your abstract online up to April 30th.

Evaluation Criteria

Please refer to the text below for the criteria used by the Judging Committee to evaluate the papers submitted.

Reasons for non-acceptance:
1. Papers were not submitted via Internet.
2. Subjects are poorly organized.
3. Information is missing in the paper: Relevance of the subject, Objectives or Proposition, Methods, Results or Conclusions.
4. The nature of the subject is not clearly understood from the title or the content of the paper.
5. The abstract has already been published or previously presented.
6. The subject is well-explained, but of questionable relevance.
7. Criteria are not well-defined for assessment of the variables studied.
8. Absence of or questionable choice of controls.
9. The methods used to obtain the data are not appropriate to the study’s objectives.
10. Confusion or lack of clarity between premises, leading to false reasoning.
11. Conclusions do not comply with the method of analysis applied to the data.
12. Inadequate use of language for the abstract.
13. Conclusions are not supported by the results.
14. Lack of criteria to define the sample.
15. Lack of criteria in allocating the experimental units to the study groups.
16. Type and relevance of study.
17. No significantly relevant contribution to current knowledge of the subject.
18. Conclusions are not supported by statistical analysis.
19. Methodology is inappropriate to assess the effect of the treatment.
20. Poorly conceived experimental design.
21. No SISNEP registration number for papers that should be submitted to a Research Ethics Committee.
22. Non-payment of the registration fee and yearly dues.

Opinion of the Ethics Committee

All research projects involving human beings, animals, or parts thereof, as well as ordinary questionnaires or patient file research, must be assessed by the Research Ethics Committee of the institutions to which the presenting author belongs. A written favorable opinion will be required by the Judging Committees during the Meeting.

Important: Non-presentation of a written favorable opinion will result in punishment of the authors.

Preparing the Panel Exhibit

Size: Display panels should measure 1.70 m in height and 0.90 m in width

Heading: The panel heading must be identical to the heading submitted in the abstract and must be written in capital letters. Names of authors, laboratory, department, institution, city, and state must appear below the heading, in smaller letters.

Name of the Presenting Author: The name must be underlined and a photograph must be attached on the upper right-hand corner

Body of the Panel Exhibit: It must be self-explanatory with the least possible amount of text and the most possible number of illustrations (figures, diagrams and tables). We suggest that the conclusions be displayed in the form of items. Presentation of an abstract and references is not mandatory.

Presentation of the Panel Exhibit

The numbering of the installation will be defined by the Organizing Commission, whose criteria shall be the specific field, the membership category, and the panel category indicated by the authors. Make sure to define the field under which your research was registered, since this information will determine where your panel will be installed.
The panel must be presented at the times specified by the Organizing Commission, and the presenting author must remain close to his panel for the duration. Timetable and dates will be made available on the SBPqO webpage as of August 4, 2008.

Group Meeting

The meetings of panel exhibit groups at the SBPqO Annual Meeting are a highlight among the activities for presenting scientific work. This is an occasion when authors from a number of institutions meet for an informal discussion of objectives, methodologies, results, and conclusions. The participation of the authors at this event is of fundamental importance. Only those presenting authors who comply with the timetable set by the SBPqO (Panel Exhibit Presentation and Group Meeting) will be eligible for the award of best paper in its field.

Oral Presentation

Oral presentations should be prepared on a digital file. We recommend that this file be handed in to the Slide Desk with enough time to allow copying of the file into the computer in the designated room. Each author will be allowed 10 minutes to present his/her paper and 5 minutes for questions and discussion with the audience. Each room will be coordinated by a moderator. There will be no judging committee, judgment or awarding. Oral presentation is an opportunity to spread knowledge and exchange ideas with a highly select audience!

Awards Ceremony

The papers deemed outstanding in the several categories during the Meeting will be announced at 12 am, on Tuesday, September 2nd, at an informal festive event. Your presence at the Awards Ceremony is crucial to livening up the ceremony activities.

The Awards Ceremony has become an important and joyous occasion for research groups and institutions present at the Meeting.


Suggestions for accommodations are listed below. Reservations should be made in advance.
All activities will take place at the Vacance Hotel, in Águas de Lindóia, SP, Brazil. For information and reservations, please call (55 19) 3824-1191 or email your request to reservas@vacancehotel.com.br

Shuttle service for groups at pre-scheduled times (minimum of 5 passengers)
Guarulhos Airport – Águas de Lindóia – Guarulhos Airport (round trip):
R$ 250.00/person
Congonhas Airport – Águas de Lindóia – Congonhas Airport (round trip):
R$ 300.00/person

For individual transportation from airports, negotiate price and departure/arrival times directly.

For São Paulo - Águas de Lindóia - São Paulo round trips, for one person or more, negotiate price and departure/arrival times directly.

Transportation may be arranged for with Marcos G. Castro marcosgcastro@terra.com.br

Phones: (55 11) 9162-5658 or (55 11) 7850-9939
If you are an English or Spanish speaker and need assistance to arrange for transportation, please contact Dr. Rode, Advisory Services, via sigmarrode@uol.com.br or (55 11) 9931-2884.

For shopping, tourism or other trips in Águas de Lindóia and neighboring areas, negotiate the price and departure/arrival times directly.
A round trip will be scheduled for Viracopos Airport - Águas de Lindóia – Viracopos Airport.
For information on other hotels in the town of Águas de Lindóia, please visit the site: www.aguasdelindoiahoteis.com.br.

Instructions for Preparing an Abstract

- Heading: no more than 120 characters

- Names of authors: separated by commas; do not separate initials with a space. No more than 120 characters. Example: Lage-Marques JL*, Dias KRHC, Ito IY (last name and initials of the presenting author must be identified by an asterisk).

- Abstracts: must include Relevance of the Subject, Objectives or Proposition, Methods, Results and Conclusions. The items Objectives, Methods, and Results should not be mentioned in the Abstract in the form of a topic, but should be referred to since they are important for good comprehension of the scientific text. Research Projects should not include the item Conclusions. Abstracts may have no more than 1,350 characters. Complete the financial support and SISNEP number fields carefully, when applicable.

- Do not forget to select the descriptors (maximum of 3).

Brazilian Oral Research
”Conexão SBPqO” - Online Newsletter

Frequently Asked Questions

Form for entering a non-member when submitting an abstract online

It is now much easier to enter the authors and co-authors of your paper. By entering the first four letters of any portion of the author’s name, the system will give back all possible author names in the file. You only have to click on the desired option to include an author or co-author, as shown in the figure below:

What is the procedure for filling out the forms?
Non-SBPqO members must select “New Member Admission” and complete the Application for Admission.

Members that participated in the 24th Annual Meeting must select “Re-registration, File Update.” Just insert your email address and Brazilian ID number for the rest of the form to be processed.

Members who did not take part in the last Annual Meeting must select “Re-registration, Advanced search.” Enter your first name, last name, phone number and other information requested to again receive up-to-date information from the SBPqO.

Form for entering a non-member when submitting an abstract online
It is now much easier to enter the authors and co-authors of your paper. By entering the first four letters of any portion of the author’s name, the system will give back all possible author names in the file. You only have to click on the desired option to include an author or co-author, as shown in the figure below:

I’m not sure what category I belong to!
To become a member of the SBPqO, you must select one of the categories below to fill out your file correctly:
- Junior Member: academic members developing an undergraduate research project, and interns or students enrolled in specialization programs or developing projects or research work, all under the guidance of a senior member. The name of the senior member responsible for the research must be informed.
- Aspiring Member: students enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral degree program.
- Senior Member: researchers that have successfully finished any Master’s or Doctorate graduate program and that are actively engaged in scientific research as demonstrated by the publication of papers.

How much should I pay?
Check the table of amounts payable for the sum to be paid in your category.
We would like to remind you that payment of yearly dues is compulsory for all members. Payment of registration fees is compulsory for members taking part in the 25th Annual Meeting, whether or not they submit a paper.

Can I pay only yearly dues if I am not going to attend the meeting?
If you are a member and will not attend the 25th Meeting, please pay your yearly dues according to your category to keep receiving up-to-date information from the SBPqO.

How should I pay yearly dues in arrears?
If you have not paid the dues for last year and other years past, you must do so when you register. The amount in arrears will be automatically added to the amount to be paid now. Note that once you pay the yearly dues for the present and the past years, you will be paid up with all yearly dues in arrears.

When should I pay?
After the bank draft has been issued, the time allotted for payment is five days. Yearly dues must be paid at the time of paper submission. The registration fee should be paid in advance or during the Meeting. Should you wish to present a paper of any kind, the deadline for paying your registration is July 15th, if your paper has been accepted. The list of accepted papers will be posted on July 2nd.

I intend to submit a paper for presentation. What is the procedure?
After you complete all the necessary steps, you will be given a number. This number will allow you to access the form for submitting papers. Once accessed, the specific panel categories for your membership category will automatically appear on the screen. Select your panel category. Important: your paper will only be processed after payment of the bank draft. Submit your Abstract in English in the appropriate field.

Where should I enter the name of my advisor when I register?
A space is provided under the category Junior Member or Aspiring Member to enter the name of your advisor. It must be filled out correctly. Important: if the advisor is one of the authors, his/her name must be written again in the space provided for Name of Author.

I have a compound name, how should I proceed?
Authors should use a hyphen to connect compound last names, such as those ending with Filho, Neto, Sobrinho, etc.

What forms should I complete when submitting a paper?
The Registration Form and Abstract Submittal Form (instructions for abstract preparation will follow).

Only the authors of abstracts selected for presentation at the 25th Meeting and for publication in the supplement of the Brazilian Oral Research Journal will have their abstracts published online in English in the Journal of Dental Research, which will represent the scientific production of the Brazilian Division of the IADR. Only IADR members will be given the opportunity to publish their abstracts in this format. If you are not a member, go to the SBPqO webpage, print and fill out the form, and then fax or mail it if you wish to register to represent the Brazilian Division.

How do I know if my paper has been selected for presentation?
The selected papers and the spreadsheets with the dates and times of presentation will be available on the SBPqO site as of July 2, 2008 and August 5, 2008, respectively.
We would like to remind you that you can access your abstract, and even make changes, until April 30, 2008. We suggest that you take full advantage of this opportunity and submit your paper with time to spare to allow for any corrections that may be necessary. After making all edits, you should make a printout of the final draft of your paper, and keep it together with your paid bank draft or Internet payment receipt. Keep in mind that no edit of any kind (including author-related) will be allowed after April 30th.

What’s new in the form completing procedure?

When submitting your abstract, you will note two new entry fields:
1. SISNEP - enter your research registration number here. It is required by CONEP.
2. Financial support - select the sponsoring agency and type the protocol number.
Important: Do not enter the information above, in the body of the text.
3. IADR file updating – While updating your file, a space will open up for you to insert your IADR membership number, in case you are a member.

Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica- Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2.227 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo – SP – Brazil.
Phone/Fax: (55 11) 3091-7855 - Email: sbpqo@sbpqo.org.br.

Partnership with Companies

Come join us at the 25th Annual Meeting of the SBPqO. For more information, please contact: artefinal@artefinaleventos.com.br. (55 11) 3834-9643
See below for a list of partners that attended the 24th Meeting.

Coordinator of the SBPqO 25th Annual Meeting

José Luiz Lage-Marques

Support Committee

Aldo Francisco Gomes
Ana Lúcia Farnezi Nogueira
Ângela Toshie Araki
Anna Paula Kalix
Cacio Moura
Carlos Francci
Daniela Dal Coletto
Denise Pontes
Eliane Nascimento
José Luiz Lage-Marques
José Moraes Souza
Kátia Martins Rode
Luciano Natividade Cardoso
Lucilei Bonato
Luiz Bezerra Sandes
Marina Beloti
Mary Caroline Skelton Macedo
Miriam Villar Suganami
Mônica Andrade Lotufo


Arte Final Pró Eventos


